Structural Steel Finishes

The structural steel of a pre-engineered steel building is divided into two categories, primary structural steel and secondary structural steel. All secondary steel, roof purlins, walls girts, and all corresponding clips are provided as G-30 galvanized with acrylic coating. The primary structural steel is the main steel frames of the structure as well as other […]

Standing Seam Roof

A standing seam roof is a metal roof that is raised above the plain of the purlins and its metal panels are seamed together along the slope of the building. On a pre-engineered steel building, the simplest way to finish a roof is to screw the metal roof panel straight through the insulation into the […]

Climatic Design Loads

The design of a pre-engineered steel building must account for climatic loading, such as ground snow loads, wind pressures, and seismic data. In British Columbia it also must conform to Part 4 of the BCBC—using loads, and deflection and vibration limits from either Part 4 or Part 9. The British Columbia Building code lists loading […]


To manage seismic and wind loads in a pre-engineered steel building, many different forms of bracing are used. The most common is cross bracing but when building openings require clear, open bays, portal frames or wind columns are utilized. Steel Building Bracing Types: Cross bracing: This is the most common form of bracing in a […]

Benefits of a cool roof

In a pre-engineered steel building system, a cool roof refers to the colour of the metal roof cladding. Using a cool white, or other light colours, has numerous positive effects on the building and the surrounding environment. A cool coloured roof provides a much higher solar reflectance and a higher thermal emittance than other dark […]

BC Building Code Green Requirements

On September 5, 2008 new “green” code requirements for all new construction and renovations of pre-engineered steel buildings. These new standards focus on energy efficiency and water efficiency and are the first steps in a larger plan for the whole of the British Columbia Building Code. For pre-engineered steel buildings, this means that all new […]

Anchor Bolts

In a pre-engineered steel building system, anchor bolts are what hold the steel structure to the concrete foundation. The anchor bolts are embedded in the concrete and the steel (external load) is fastened to the anchor bolt. Anchor bolts are used at each steel column and at each door jamb. An anchor bolt has a […]

Building Terminology

Below you will find definitions to basic terminology used to described pre-engineered steel buildings. Pre-engineered steel building layout Walls along the width of the building are considered endwalls and walls along the length are sidewalls. Frame Types Symmetrical clear span Available with tapered or straight columns, this provides a structure that spans the width of […]



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