Concrete Foundations

The concrete foundation supports the steel building and resists the loads imposed by the building and site specific climatic load imposed on the building. In order to design a steel building foundation, the building engineers provide reactionary loading and anchor bolt requirements. This information, along with site specific geotechnical reports, will allow the foundation engineers […]

Columns: Fixed-Base and Pinned-Based

A pinned based column design doesn’t transfer any moment, or bending, load into the supporting foundations. It is carried by the steel structural and transferred into the foundation as vertical and horizontal loads. Designing the steel building to a fixed base connection makes each column of a building like a flag pole; the entire moment […]

CWB Certification

All steel buildings sold by JDG are manufactured to CSA W47.1 standards, specifically fusion welding of steel. This certification governs the following aspects of building production: engineering, manufacturing, fabrication of pre-engineered steel buildings, building components, multistory structural buildings and self-storage warehouses.



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