JDG Construction specializes in the supply and erecting of steel buildings, prime contracting of steel building projects and providing design-build services.
Pre-engineered steel buildings are economical and suitable for many applications. Pre-engineered steel buildings are used extensively in industry, agriculture, recreation, forestry, air hangars and commercial and retail construction. The use of pre-engineered steel reduces erection time and delivers better quality assurance under all weather conditions. Pre-engineered steel building construction is also very well suited to provide economical construction where large clear spans are required. JDG Construction has provided construction with clear spans in excess of 200 feet
Design build is a project delivery method that allows a single contractor to oversee both the design and construction of the project. Rather than the traditional method of contracting the design of the project to a group of consultants, under a design build system, all the design work is done by JDG limiting risk to the owner, maximizes efficiency of design and schedule and ultimately produces a more economical project for the owner.