Maintenance and Renovations

Many of our customers have existing facilities to which we provide building additions and/or renovations. Metal buildings lend themselves to future additions or changes economically and can be significantly altered at a faction of the cost of a new building.

Typical Renovations:

    1. Additional length, add 1 or more bays
    2. Add lean-to for covered storage or additional interior space.
    3. Add man doors, overhead doors, or windows.
    4. Add translucent panels to add natural lighting
    5. Add mezzanines to provide 2nd floor space.

With proper planning, a steel building can be designed to accept future additions to its length by simply adding on additional bays and moving the endwall cladding to the new end wall location. A lean-to could be added to the side wall to provide more interior space or a covered storage area.

Steel buildings are extremely versatile when it comes to renovations and alterations. There is very little that can’t be done to an existing metal building in a more economical way than other building types.



For general inquiries contact us by phone or complete the form below.
We will contact you within 2 business days.


Mon – Fri 8am – 5pm


Direct: 604-986-4494
Toll Free:1-800-986-4494
Fax: 604-986-4490


1070 14th Street West
North Vancouver
B.C. Canada V7P 3P3


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